Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (2025)

Version 1.1 (three achievements)

After selecting "Play" or "Score Attack" from the main menu, choose Version 1.1, which is a slightly modified version of the base game. The most noticeable change is that you have direct control of your familiar with the right stick.

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The first time you load the game and move your familiar, you will unlock an achievement:

Getting Familiar

Moved your demon friend!Ver 1.1

Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (1)

1 guideGuide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (2)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (3)

Clear the game (continuing as many times as needed) to earn an achievement:

Distinguished Angel

Cleared Deathsmiles Version 1.1!

Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (4)

1 guideGuide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (5)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (6)

Clear the game while selecting level 3 for each stage (including the optional stage) without continuing to unlock an achievement:

Deathsmiles Virtuoso

Cleared Deathsmiles Version 1.1 with all maps at Lv3! (No Continues, Ex Map included)

Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (7)

This is one of the more difficult achievements in the game. You will have to practice enough to learn each stage, how enemies appear and behave, and when to best power up. My achievement solution has a detailed explanation of how I approached this achievement with Windia, so I'll direct you there rather than copying all of the info here. My replay:

MBL Xbox 360 / Arcade (eight achievements)

Select "Play" or "Score Attack" from the main menu. In the next menu, select MBL Xbox 360 or MBL Arcade.

You must play through the game three times as Sakura. After completing the game, choose to stay in Gilverado to earn an achievement:

A New Family

Chose to stay in Gilverado with Sakura.MBL

Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (11)

2 guidesGuide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (12)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (13)

After completing the game a second time, choose to return Sakura to the real world to earn an achievement:

The Path I Choose

Returned Sakura to the real world.MBL

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2 guidesGuide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (15)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (16)

Play a local co-op game with Sakura as player 2. You can let her die right away and choose to continue with her when Tyrannosatan is almost dead. When given the option, choose to return player 1 to the real world, leaving Sakura to remain in Gilverado and unlocking an achievement:


Chose to stay in Gilverado with Sakura.(Secret Achievement)MBL

Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (17)

1 guideGuide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (18)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (19)

For one of these playthroughs, select Level 999 for each stage, play through the optional stage Ice Palace, and complete the game (continuing as many times as needed) to earn a few achievements:

Opening the Door to Hell

Chose Level 999 once.MBL

Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (20)

1 guideGuide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (21)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (22)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (23)

A Challenge from CAVE

Cleared all 6 chapters at level 999 (continue may be used).MBL

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1 guideGuide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (25)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (26)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (27)

Forgotten Guardian

Defeated Ozier.MBL

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You must enter power-up mode with your item counter at exactly 500 to earn an achievement:

Halfway there

Powered up at 500.MBL

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2 guidesGuide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (32)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (33)

The easiest way to do this is to start a game and choose Laksehore on Level 1. Shoot the bird enemies that appear but don't kill the three red dragons that fly in from the right. Circle around the screen and touch the third one, which will take away ½ life and temporarily disable purple bullets, making things easier. Some more birds will fly in from the upper right and left- kill them and avoid their bullets. Then two tanks will come from the left- touch one to take away the remaining ½ life, then kill both with Laser and get their point items before they bounce. Several green eyebats will fly in from the top left and a tank will appear on the tracks from the right. I suggest touching the tank to lose ½ life and temporarily disable purple bullets, then kill the tank with Laser as soon as the eyebats are gone (being sure to get the resulting point items before they bounce). Finally, turn and kill the four dogs that come from the left with Laser and you should have exactly 500 in the counter (140 per tank, 20 per dog). Then hold Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (34) to power up.

The next achievement is the hardest in the game and one of the hardest in the Xbox universe. You must play through the first six stages on Level 999 without continuing, then play through the Gorge, Ice Palace, and Hades' Castle up to Tyrannosatan without losing a full life. You must then beat Tyrannosatan without continuing, at which point Bloody Jitterbug will appear. Kill him (you can lose lives and even continue at this point) to earn an achievement:

The True Tyrant

Defeated Bloody Jitterbug.MBL

Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (35)

1 guideGuide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (36)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (37)

Here is Shadykilla420's replay:

If you want to earn this achievement, you'll have to pretty much duplicate his run. I wouldn't even consider trying for this until you've earned the other 49 achievements.

MBL Version 1.1 (one achievement)

Select "Play" or "Score Attack" from the main menu and choose MBL1.1, which is a slightly modified version of MBL. The most noticeable change is that you have direct control of your familiar with the right stick.

Reach 10 billion points to earn an achievement:

MBL 1.1's Hidden Challenge

Score has reached 10,000,000,000 points in Mega Black Label 1.1 mode.

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1 guideGuide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (39)Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (40)

I was able to score just under 17 billion points in the optional stage Ice Palace with Rosa having played the first six stages each on Level 3. I had continued several times up until the sixth stage boss. I got her to a sliver of health and died/continued so I could kill her and then start the Ice Palace with full lives. Then I chose the Ice Palace and exclusively used trigger (Laser) fire while powered up to kill everything, catching suicide bullets with my familiar and dodging purple bullets. When power up ran out, I would quickly fill back up and power up again. I continue this process through the entire stage and reached 10 billion long before the end.

6. Advanced scoring explanation4. Xbox 360 / Arcade

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Guide for Deathsmiles - Version 1.1, MBL, and MBL Version 1.1 (2025)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.