The Perfect X-Samkok Tier List (2024) (2025)

X-Samkok is one of the most interesting new-generation RPG games for mobile. To make it enjoyable, it is also the first-ever Three-Kingdoms Mecha Card game. The thing that's unique about X-Samkok is that it combines the medieval kingdom theme and does a great job of creating a futuristic mecha title.

Thanks to its thrilling gameplay, intricate story, and fun-filled strategy, players of X-Samkok are in awe because they can't find a much better game than this. Each character in the game has unique strengths and weaknesses, which is why this X-Samkok tier list will help you thrive.

If you're new to the game, you must be confused about which character to choose. We've created the perfect X-Samkok tier list that you can follow in 2024 and enjoy the game to the fullest.

Choose these characters wisely and dominate the playfield to become the ultimate champion. Now, let's dive straight into the tier list.

X-Samkok Tier List (2024)

The Perfect X-Samkok Tier List (2024) (1)

We have divided the game into a total of five tiers. For the X-Samkok tier list to work, you must understand how the tier works. The characters from the S-tier will be better than the D-tier. However, the higher the tier number, the better these characters are.

Hence, we recommend rerolling with LDCloud, which can run multiple cloud devices of the same game and get S-tier characters easily. Check out LDCloud and enjoy fun-filled gameplay with the cloud gaming emulator.


The Perfect X-Samkok Tier List (2024) (3)

Lü Bu

Lü Bu is one of the most interesting cases in X-Samkok. He is known for his overwhelming skills and relatively high damage output. With a Max ATK of 310,924, you can never go wrong with this badass behemoth of a warrior.

When you get a warrior like him on your team, beating your opponents will be much easier. Thanks to Lü Bu's abilities, he can aid other melee characters, boost their damage output, and help you with various game modes.

Zhou Yu

Zhou Yu is another high-attack character, but his defense and HP are as strong as anything we've seen in the game. His specialty is AoE burn, and with an attack of 310,744, our guy slays. His defensive abilities are also off the charts, making him one of the strongest characters in X-Samkok.

Zhou Yu will be your cup of tea if you're looking for the best possible experience. Aiming for him should be your ultimate goal, and if you can get him initially, things will be much better.

Diao Chan

Diao Chan is another unique S-tier character who's shown her worth thanks to her crowd-controlling abilities and buffing powers. She might not be the most robust character in X-Samkok physically, but her quirks and shenanigans will ensure a more incredible experience.

When she stuns the enemies, they can't move, and if you're looking for a survival character, Diao Chan is the perfect X-Samkok S-tier character.


The Perfect X-Samkok Tier List (2024) (4)

Zhao Yun

The most reliable unit in X-Samkok A-tier, Zhao Yun, is perfect for mobility as he can easily outdo his opponents. Moreover, his attacking and defensive abilities are great for the team, making him a total asset.

But if you talk about some of the most specialized battles, that's where Zhao Yun falters. He is excellent regarding melee and ranged units, but if your enemies have heavy armor, he might fail.

Sun Quan

Sun Quan is stronger than the Sun because he can absorb high damage using his defensive techniques in X-Samkok. Moreover, his skills are fantastic because they can protect his teammates even in the stickiest situations you would ever see.

He's not the best character in the game, but he's still a great asset who can support the team when everything is falling apart.


The Perfect X-Samkok Tier List (2024) (6)

Sima Yi

Sima is more like a damage scaler who packs a lot of power against non-tank characters in the game. He is perfect for manipulating the battlefield, but he is vulnerable to a lot of damage without any defensive techniques.

Hence, to use Sima's full potential in the game, you must secure him with another character.

Taishi Ci

If you value a character who is more of a tank and can cause burns to the opponents, then Taishi Ci is the perfect pick for you. While its max attack is around 220K, the defense and max HP are pretty suitable for someone who wants to take as much damage as they wish.


The Perfect X-Samkok Tier List (2024) (7)

Yuan Shao

Quite literally the cream of the crop, Yuan Shao is perfect for dealing with multiple targets. Moreover, thanks to the fun playstyle, he can focus on fighting many opponents simultaneously. This makes him dependable, powerful, and a great addition to your team.

But Yuan Shao doesn't shine in the single-target bosses because that's where he will suffer. So, avoid pairing him up against some single-target opponents.

Guan Yu

A fantastic character who can deal a lot of damage to opponents, Guan Yu has the ability to deal damage with all the opponents thanks to his great skills. He's known as more of the survival type character in X-Samkok, which makes him quite a great player against multiple opponents.


Tao Yuanming

Tao isn't all that special. While his abilities to generate passive resources might be good, his overall effectiveness isn't anything special. For beginners, he might be fun to use but in the long run, he's not a good character for players compared with other characters in X-Samkok.

Lu Meng

Now we are in the D category of characters from X-Samkok. While Lu Meng's damage capabilities are good for starters, he just lacks all the depth in the game. In the long run, you are going to have so much trouble with his defensive abilities and damaging capabilities.

Final Verdict

With so many characters in X-Samkok, if you don't know which character you should choose, you can check our X-Samkok tier list above. We hope this tier list can help you choose your favorite characters and build a powerful team in the game. If you want to reroll and get the ideal characters, we recommend you to reroll with LDCloud. Have fun gaming!

The Perfect X-Samkok Tier List (2024) (2025)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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